
  • Chief Timothy Lee

  • Deputy Chief Adam Kerop

  • Assistant Chief John Ely

  • Assistant Chief Barry Luff

  • Chief Engineer Tom Lee

Additional information about our team of Captains, Lieutenants, Administration and Members coming soon!

Junior Division

The Junior Division is a self-governing Division of the Deep River Fire Department with it's own elected Officers.  All activities of the Junior Division are supervised by the Junior Division Coordinator.  The Junior Division participates in all aspects of the Department, including emergency response, training and fundraiser's.

Deep River Fire Department Auxiliary

The Auxiliary provides a service to the Deep River Fire Department that is unmatched by many. In times of poor weather and poor timing, if the fireman were out fighting a fire, the Auxiliary was always there to make sure that they were refreshed with warm meals and drinks. It is the dedication of those wives, sons, daughters, mothers, and friends that proves that the bond of the firefighting force goes well beyond what the community sees on the fireground.

Originally organized on September 24, 1953 by the wives of active members of the Department, the Auxiliary was originally formed to provide the firefighters food and beverages upon request at emergency calls and to aide in the department’s fundraisers.

In January 2008, the Auxiliary reformed and is looking for new members. Any citizens of the town of Deep River 18 years of age are eligible. The Auxiliary has continued to aide the department with food and beverages during their emergency calls and with their fundraising activities

Meetings held on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00pm at River Street Station & Museum.